Grants Program Overview
Friends of Nepal Small Grants Program
Since 1990, the Friends of Nepal small grants program has provided over 70 grants and emergency relief aid to Nepal totaling 389,000 USD. Donations are provided primarily by current and former Peace Corps/Nepal volunteers as well as by other individuals and organizations concerned with grassroots development in Nepal make up our funding.
Today the Friends of Nepal small grants program directly funds grassroots projects that have a positive sustainable impact on Nepal’s communities, with an emphasis on rural communities and underserved groups. We fund Nepal-registered organizations for one year projects up to 5,000 USD per project. We do not fund individuals or provide funds for scholarships, and we do not accept more than one proposal per organization per year. We generally do not fund a single organization for more than two years.
Each annual grant cycle has a theme describing what we will fund for that cycle. The funding theme changes every several years. Our annual grants competition is highly competitive. All proposals are reviewed by committee members with extensive past or current experience working in development in Nepal.
Please see the Apply for a Grant page for detailed up-to-date information on the grant application process. The Current & Past Projects page provides brief descriptions of current grant-funded projects, and of completed projects over the past two years.